Parth and Nimisha Rana's Wedding
April 24, 1998
A multitude of traditions surrounded their wedding. I was truly amazed
at all the family involvement. Following is lyrics to a song one of
Parth's relatives wrote and the ladies of the house sang to Nimisha to
welcome her to their family. It was sung in Hindu (I think)
Absolutely amazing wedding in Leicester, England.
Auspicious Message to our daughter- in-law,
I wish you the fortune and glory of subhadra,
To share and enjoy life with my Parth.
You are blessed with love and Protection
Of Lord Krishna ~your brother.
I was in search of a daughter-in-law.
And I found a wise and sweet daughter. I fell in love.
Please walk gently and slowly.
I want to get lost, in sweet jingling of your
Anklets, on each step into our life.
We greet you, we welcome you
With wide-open arms and hearts, you are blessed.
Our large family had scattered all over America.
Please bring them together with your love, grace and humor.
Enjoy togetherness on the path of life with Parth.
The path of life leading to distant horizon.
Live a long and happy life together.
With your sweet melodies, fill up the pleasures of Life overflow.
You are blessed.
The golden ribbon glows on the red turban.
Let your union glorify the society you live in.
Fill up in-laws hearts with love and harmony.
I have scattered so many beautiful flowers along
Your path to our home~ Just for you, Dear Nimisha
I pray Lord Shiva~
For prosperity and pleasures of married life.
You are blessed with Love and Protection of Lord Krishna.
April 24, 1998 Usha Shah Banning, California